Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Evolutionary Highway

 Evolutionary Highway- one more of the main concepts of the book `Sex and Rank`

 Chapter from the book

4. The Evolutionary Highway

In modern society it is difficult to comprehend what kind of behaviour is good in people and what is bad. What is good for some is bad for others, and any event may be viewed by different people as either good or bad. Therefore the variants ‘good-bad’ for researching human biology are not applicable, at the level of individual people. But if as a unit of measurement we take the population of a human community, there is a criterion: the success of that population. If a population is successful then we can say what is good or bad for it.
Human populations compete in a struggle for resources, including territorial. If a population is to be successful it needs to have those qualities that would enable it to resolve that task. In the modern world, where there is the division of labour, defining these qualities is difficult because to achieve victory very many qualities are needed. Therefore for the integrity of the experiment it is better to turn to the recent past, when this conflict involved quite a narrow circle of warriors.
These warriors need health, physical strength, intellect and self-control. By intellect here we mean the ability to set and solve tasks in the struggle for external resources, and not the ability to adapt, not the ability to feed off their fellow tribe members.
Success means having warriors who possess the above qualities. Before these warriors engage in battle, before they are trained, before they are developed, they need to be first of all born. Health, physical strength, intellect, self-control are all qualities that are inherited. Such warriors should be born with these parameters, and this provides something of a conundrum for the task of procreation.
If the warriors are to possess such qualities, the population must comply with certain rules on couple formation. If these rules are observed the population has more advantages in terms of the health and intellect of its warriors, if not, then fewer. In this case we can immediately move from the macro-population level to the micro-population and focus on the individual couple: these rules must be observed not only by populations but by individual couples.
In which case the question is more searching: what rules should the population as a whole observe, and its couples in particular, in order to have physically healthy, strong and intellectual descendants? Of course, ‘natural’ rules. Behaviour which conforms to these rules would be deemed as correct behaviour. Moreover, biologically correct behaviour, because it leads to biological success and increases the population’s chances of survival, and the context of this behaviour as set to perform a specific task is very limited.
Behaviour emerged quite accidentally. There were lots of different types of behaviour, but in the process of natural selection all the incorrect types of behaviour were sifted out and only one variant remained, which stabilized and became common across the species. Since the time when human populations dispersed behaviours have changed as they have adapted to territory, but most of them – the correct ones in evolutionary terms – have survived to this day unchanged.
Intellect, strength, memory, self-control have quantitative gradations. Memory can be good, medium or bad. The same is true for all other positive parameters discussed here. Discrete parameters pertain which may or may not exist, for instance, whether a creature has a head of not. The colour of a person’s skin has gradations because this is determined by a multitude of genes.
If rules are broken it does not mean that children are born sick. Generally when they are born they are just not 100% healthy, intelligent and strong; in other words they cannot compete when compared to other groups. And the weaker groups are eventually deprived of resources and to all intents and purposes doomed to extinction. Groups with weakened offspring concede to other groups in this competitive struggle.
In the modern world human communities lose qualities on evolutionary grounds. Literally several generations – strong, cultured peoples – can turn into degenerate masses incapable of further development or self-defence. On the back of such experience we can assume that they acted incorrectly when they broke certain biological rules. We should say straight out that most civilizations of the past met their biological Armageddon in their degeneracy. Modern Western civilization, judging by the quality of its population, has continued this tradition and exists only because of its inertia. The quality of its biological material has essentially been lost. A large part of modern humanity lives now on artificial life-support with the help of chemical compounds.
The evolutionary highway (EH) is the sum of the lines that connect the generations, so that the descendants of our present time have the capacity to continue these lines into the future. The EH simultaneously encompasses physical carriers, the temporary directional vector, and a set of rules. Everyone alive today has arrived in the present on the evolutionary highway.
The EH will recur again here in a number of instances. For example, the growth of the intellect and the increase in memory capacity are also aspects of the evolutionary highway, whereas the growth of physical strength on the evolutionary highway stopped and at some time even became diminished.
Movement on the evolutionary highway involves the elaboration of certain rules and norms. The norms are adhered to by those who have come down the evolutionary highway and emerged in the present. It would be logical to assume, then, that those who continue to follow these norms have a greater chance of making it into the future.
As we will be examining the conflicts of biological programs and social constructs, we need to clarify our definitions so as not to dwell on them every time they are mentioned. Society is a social construct. The socio-biological as predefined by nature will be called the biological. What society brings in to the equation – the fruit of public awareness – will be called the social.
Rules and norms are what behaviour is all about. In the process of human development lots of different kinds of behaviour have emerged, but those that have not equipped man for survival have disappeared along with their practitioners, and as a result one behavioural pattern has stabilized, the EH pattern. The EH has formed behaviour, and behaviour has formed The EH. Neither has priority.
The evolutionary highway was formed amid the struggle of populations for resources. Norms and rules are observed by the population, including the individual person. The most effective form of fighting for resources today is through the organization of terrain-conditioned nation-populations. In the old days they were tribes, and even before that groups arranged around clans. In order to fight for resources, the population needs quality and variability.
Biological quality includes health, strength, intellect and self-control.
Variability indicates that individuals possess negligible distinguishing features, including strength and intellect. In other words, if a population is to be successful it needs people with differing degrees of strength and intellect. For instance, heavy infantry and cavalry troops need to be physically strong, of course, but with varying physical parameters. And in conducting military operations people with different levels of intellect are needed.
Variability implies that a population needs various individuals who can carry out the tasks they are set, and secondly to show that they could adapt to future changes in their environment, in line with their own parameters beforehand because one never knows when and how an environment will change. They should be people to call on with qualities to call on. But variability should not impact on the two basic parameters – physical health and intellect. The weak and the stupid are baggage inasmuch as in the natural environment they do not survive. The rule of the highway is the struggle for quality. All who have rejected the fight for quality have lost that quality, and their line has died out. Those who have not fought for variability have not gone through the changes of environment, including the social environment, and are sometimes referred to as ‘not getting through the bottleneck of evolution’.
The loss of quality, especially intellect and physical strength, does not usually directly lead to the group’s extinction. Groups fight for resources, and those of inferior quality lose that battle. This means that quality should not only be sufficient for survival, but also for competing in the markets of existential space. And this market is the kind of place where even just a slight fall may lead to defeat, and defeat leads to a further fall. So, a population may consist of relatively healthy and relatively intellectual individuals, but it will still face defeat to a healthier and more intellectual population.
Evolutionary behaviour is correct behaviour. Although in strictly theoretical terms an evolutionary correct form of behaviour may be non-traditional, the likelihood of this is extremely small. Such a phenomenon can be seen over short periods of time and in separate territories. But afterwards, as a rule, retribution arrives in the form of degeneration. The evolutionary highway is of variable width, it can expand, admitting many variations and even deviations, and it can narrow until it becomes the ‘bottleneck of evolution’.
As an object of study the evolutionary highway can be followed in stages: the marmoset, the chimpanzee, the man of the savannah, primitive tribes, modern society. What contributes to the growth in quality and variability is correct. What does not is wrong. Besides, variability and quality in the population should be balanced out since in some cases one may exclude the other. For instance, resources may be redistributed in favour of variability, but whereas the amount of resources is always limited they may actually be insufficient for the maintenance of quality; and vice versa.
When analysing modern chimpanzees and primitive tribes we should remember that to some extent they are biological outsiders, because the modern world belongs nevertheless to modern man who protects both one and the other. That is, in the behaviour of the chimpanzee and the behaviour of the hunter-gatherers there are fault-lines which have not allowed them to develop to the stage of modern man.
The modern Western world – and that includes Russia – is a collection of territories where the extent of population degeneration is at its highest, and this extent of degeneration can be followed with a sufficient degree of exactness through the incidence of disease. In other words, the fault-lines of the old hunter-gatherers remain inherent in modern man. The destruction of developed societies in the historical past also exemplifies incorrect behaviour. There may be many causes of the degeneration of societies, but in the end there is only one main reason: taking the exit from the evolutionary highway.
Society is always a place of artificial selection. To move along the evolutionary highway a population must approximate the norms of artificial selection as closely as possible to the norms of natural selection as predefined by the evolutionary highway. This is possible only through ensuring maximum flexibility in the free choice of a partner, ‘free’ meaning ‘not tied to social restrictions’.
The degeneration of human groups is an indisputable reality of modern civilization. The degeneration of civilizations develops out of the mistakes individual women make in choosing a partner. The number of individual women committing these mistakes becomes so large that populations fail.
As the quality of the population deteriorates the evolutionary highway has become more like a country footpath, but it nevertheless remains the evolutionary highway. It just becomes harder to locate, but it remains the highway because it is the only correct way for those who wish to find their way into the future. And there is no limit to the number of incorrect pathways. In evolutionary terms there are correct and incorrect pathways, both for the population and its individuals.
People do not yet know all the rules of the evolutionary highway. But even in ignorance of these rules mankind has accrued enormous experience of how to break these rules. And those who break these rules are destined to leave the evolutionary highway, both groups and individuals, and classes and nations. Some may be on the hard shoulder, but most of those who leave the highway have been physically destroyed by their neighbours. There is no guarantee that those biding their time on the hard shoulder can escape similar destruction.
Norms are always attached to something. Laws of the evolutionary highway do exist. The laws of the EH are hatched from the struggle of groups for resources.

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